Wednesday, June 04, 2008

007 to the Rescue

Today I was having lunch (at Whole Foods) with my good friend the old paratrooper, and another friend came up to the table and sat down for just a moment. He asked if we were finished eating, (which we were) and then he proceded to tell us that he was driving his wife's car, and didn't have a spare key in his pocket. He was kind enough to leave the windows down a fraction of an inch, and also to leave the keys to this car in the driver's seat. Bottom line: he had locked himself out of the car. So the old paratrooper tried a little trick with some line and a pair tweezer-type pliers. It didn't work. I gave him a minute to see if he was going to be successful. He wasn't. I then proceded to try to obtain the old-fashioned style of coathanger: solid, heavy-duty metal wire. Adam from Whole Foods even provided the coathager as well as a tool to cut the hanger like we wanted. At first I had attempted to push the power unlock button, but even this wire tool didn't seem to have the required rigidity. So I immediately went to the driver's side and attempted to obtain the keys. It was good that one of the keyrings was up at such an angle that I could hook it and bring the keys through the opening in the window. The old paratrooper warned me, "Don't sneeze!!" as soon as I hooked the keys with the hanger. At the moment that I brought them up to the opening, I did receive some small measure of applause, which really wasn't necessary. Helping a friend was reward enough, and I am only posting this story on the insistence of the old paratrooper. This really can happen to anyone. The old paratrooper told our friend, "Next tme I'll lock my keys in the car and we can all enjoy getting my car unlocked."



Blogger John said...

Good work! I would have picked up a brick and asked "which window do you like the least?"

6/04/2008 3:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

way to go guys!

6/05/2008 1:59 AM  
Blogger 007 said...

I am truly honored to have Kevin take the time to comment at such a precious time. And John, the brick idea would have worked I'm sure, but it might have set off the burglar alarm.

6/05/2008 7:16 AM  

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