The Shadow of the Almighty
I don't remember ever sitting down and reading this book. But I remember my mother reading (in addition to the Bible) Nate Saint, the Jungle Pilot to my brother and me at bedtime. I remember Jim Martinson reading heart-gripping passages from this book (Shadow of the Almighty) when we would fellowship (today they say hang out) back in the day at NC State. Passages like the one mentioned in the first sentence of the prologue, "He is no fool who gives up what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose." I remember trying to teach this missions story at Camp Willow Run to boys and girls, I felt so unworthy and inadequate when I would go to these classes. I heard a guest minister on a podcast from Summit Church in Durham where JD Greear is pastor. This guest minister is Dr. Daniel Aiken, president of Southeastern Baptist Seminary. His Biblical text was Psalm 96, but most of his message was from this book which is on the life and testament of Jim Elliott, written by his wife Elisabeth. Every Christian ought to go to the Summit site and listen to this podcast. But there will be some that don't so, maybe, just maybe, you will read a bit more of this post. Here is a passage from the book as Elisabeth writes,
I do not know whether Jim had any premonition that God was going to take him up on all he had promised him--going to answer literally his prayer of April 18, 1948: Father, take my life, yea, my blood if thou wilt, and consume it with Thine enveloping fire. I would not save it for it is not mine to save. Have it, Lord, have it all. Pour out my life as an oblation for the world. Blood is only of value as it flows before Thine altar."
Jim wrote his last words that we know of to his wife Betty,
We're going down now, pistols, gifts, novelties in our pockets, prayer in our hearts. All for now.
Your lover, Jim
In an earlier discussion she asked Jim if the Auca Indians were to attack, would he use his rifle. He said no. She asked why not. He said, "We are ready for Heaven. They are not."
On Sunday, January 8, 1956 ten Auca Indians attacked Jim and four of his companions, Ed McCully, Roger Youdarian, Pete Fleming, and Nate Saint.
I am making a CD for friends who are not able to download this message. Let me know if you need a copy.
Labels: The Life of Jim Elliott
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