Thursday, June 19, 2008

Know your 48

How well do you know our 48 contiguous states in the USA? You can try to see if your smarter than a 3rd grader here. I was successful on my second try. You have to be careful to get the arrow pointing inside the state, and small ones like Rhode Island can be tricky. I am expecting great things from you teachers out there! I decided to show my score for any unbelievers out there.



Blogger 007 said...

There is one little glitch you will detect after taking the test, and that is that they never turn the entire state of Michigan from green to yellow. That little piece above Wisconsin stays green and if you try to put the arrow on that part it gives you an X, saying that is incorrect. Oh well, its free, so I s'pose I shouldn't complain.

6/23/2008 7:12 AM  

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