Growing Grass, cont.

As one can see from the pics, we DO have much grass growing around the ole mailbox now. And we shoul give credit where it is most deserved. I am not speaking of my green thumb, or the expertise I gained from wiser gardeners than me, nor even the product that I had advertised earlier, but to "God who giveth the increase." There is one shot of my rain gauge, which is reading right at one inch of rain for the last two days. I am thankful for the rain, seein's how I didn't need to water as much this week as last. I will take care not to assume that "we are out of the woods" so to speak, as many times I have planted grass and had it to come up quickly only to find that it died in the heat of the summer sun. Oh no, this time I will continue to baby this project well into the heat of mid-to-late summer. I have so many fans out there reminding me to be a good caretaker.
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