Monday, April 07, 2008

We'll be Grandparents!!

Yes, I know its hard to believe, but Pat and I will be be grandparents in October. The 12th or thereabout anyway. Another expectant mother asked when I was going to blog about it, so here it is. Our son, Ben, and his wife Sarah, are having their first and our first grandchild. You can read some of Sarah's thoughts and feelings on their blog. (Check out Ben and Sarah on the link to the right.)



Blogger John said...

Congratulations to all, I hope it goes well
This grandparenting thing is great; I recommend it highly

4/07/2008 5:19 PM  
Blogger Wild Wild West said...

Congratulations John and Pat. Remember what Brenda said. "If we knew grandchildren were so great, we would have had them first."

4/07/2008 8:26 PM  
Blogger 007 said...

Yes, I remember well Brenda saying that. I suppose we will always have to give her credit for that whenever it is said.

4/09/2008 11:16 AM  

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