Giving Blood
As you can see, I have been giving blood for a good part of my adult life. Let me start by saying this post is not meant for any bragging purposes, but rather to encourage others to donate blood to help others. I realize that many are not able to give because of certain meds they may be taking, or for some other health reasons. I myself, have been turned down on occasion for low hematocrit (low iron.) But most of the time I am able to give one pint (or one unit) about 4 times a year. Not counting the times I gave to the hospital in Danville, VA, I have given over 8 gallons of O positive blood. That is all blood, not the platelets that some give and are able to give every two weeks and count it as two pints of blood. I have been told they prefer for me to give those O pos red blood cells, and I don't give double red blood cells either. That is when they take two pints worth of red blood cells and put back about one pint of liquid, or something like that. Anyway, it is good to be able to help others in this way. Who knows, some day I may need to get a transfusion myself. Then I will be glad someone took the time to donate blood.
Labels: Red Cross
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