Cycling on the 4th
Well as I told you guys earlier, I would be riding around Salem Lake with Jim, my associate pastor. I was thinking that there would be no way to keep up with him, since he has been riding 20 miles every day for the past week while he was at the beach. He would have blown me out of the water too, except for one thing. He had a flat tire, about halfway around the lake. I went back for him, and he had parked his ride at the water fountain on Linville Road. I was concerned about someone stealing his bike before we could get back with the vehicle to pick it up, and I offered to wait with it, but Jim wanted company, so I let him ride on my seat while I powered us along. After some time, Jim offered to provide the horsepower. I was glad to turn it over to him, although that narrow racing-style seat leaves something to be desired. We made it to his bike, and no one had bothered it, thanks be to God. I took a coupld pics here of Jim and me, but I was hoping nobody happened to take any of us riding the same bike.

happy 4th john! you didnt have anything to do what that little leak in the preachers tire did ya? mwa ha ha!
John is the winner! Checkered flag, big trophy, kiss the beauty queen!
Way to go, I enjoy reading your blog
Now scout, do you really think I would stoop so low as to pull something like that? Don't answer that. I will withdraw the question. I was wondering how you are enjoying the night life in southern Alabama. Thank you Duke, for the checkered flag. There sure haven't been too many of those in my life. How is life down around Morehead?
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