Hitchhiker's Guide

So I suppose I had better tell you about The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, as I had promised. My older son saw one or two movies in his youth and exclaimed at the end, "Best movie ever made!!" These are not the words I would use to rate this movie. I suppose that this one would appeal to the younger generation, in that it seems to be a take-off of the Star Wars movies, or the science fiction in general, or at least the ones involving space travel. As you can see from some of thes pics, there are very close similarities to some of the characters. The Vogon creature depicted in the Title shot there looks like he could be a distant relative of some of the creatures we saw in the bar at Mos Eisley on the planet Tatooine in Star Wars. And the little white robot is a fat miniature of the storm troopers, with the exception that he has a very large Charlie Brown-like head, and I mean no disrespect whatsoever to Charlie Brown. It seems that the Vogon spacecraft is taken from Independence Day (ID4) just from the size of the vessel alone. So this must be a take-off on most all sci-fi flicks.
And that is all I have to say about that.
I read the books back in high school, and just thought they were funny. Part of what makes the books good was Douglas Adams' prose, which was witty. Prose styles don't come across well in movies, and this was no exception.
Re-reading the books as an adult I was struck with how depressed and existentialist they were. There's a deep sadness underneath.
The movie was not as good as the books (when is it?) but it's a hard book to translate to film and they did a well as could be reasonably expected. The book was more silly and philosophical, and seemed less like a Star Wars spin-off.
But if you hadn't read the books, I could definitely see how it could come across that way...
My older son David said that he too has read the book, but I don't think that I will get around to it. Thanks Dan for sharing from your broad literary knowledge.
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