
Some of you, I say, some of you may have grown tired of the endless scorecards showing my score at minigolf compared with my son Ben's score. So you may now ask, what is that strange creature (for Ernest T. Bass fans that's pronounced creach-tur) is shown in the above pics. It is called a binturong. You can find them in the tropical forests of Southeast Asia--I say you can find them, I don't think I will. You may have a little trouble now, though as they are an endangered species. They live in trees, have black fur, and can weigh up to 40 pounds. They are mostly nocturnal, that is they come out mostly at night, but can be seen sunning themselves at times. Why am I talking about this animal? I heard about it on the Laura Ingram show today. She was talking about all of the weird animal that were on the Larry King Live show. I think its good to learn something new from time to time, and there is very little chance that I will come across one, unless it happens to be in a zoo that I happen to visit. And I am sure some of you will ask how does it taste? I really don't know the answer to that one, but I heard he smells like popcorn. Can you imagine having binturong while watching a movie? I didn't think so.
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