
Well, you know I am hurting for material for this blog when I write about my collection of matches. I have pics of only a few of the ones I own here. (What good is a collection if you can't show it off, right?) With the proliferation of disposable lighters it seems that it is harder to get a good collectable matchbook these days. In the top photo, you see a book with wooden matches, and it appears that it is from Paris. (The back is shown in the next to the bottom shot with the "Marlboro." For some reason when I upload these pics, I can't get them in the correct order that I want.) The second pic shows a red-cover book with gold matchsticks and the wish, "Merry Christmas" inside. As you can see in the next shot, we have a Hard Rock Cafe book from Paris. And in the last photo, you see Steak and Ale, Plantation Kitchen from Murrell's Inlet, Roberto's Pizza from Tabor City, NC, and last but certainly not least, Captain Bills from Morehead. Of course I have many more, too many to show in pics and bore everyone to tears. Should I show a few baseball cards next time? Maybe that's not such a good idea.
Perhaps these photos will ignite readers interest to send you more?
Thanks for the idea!! And I am sure you had no pun intended! Any of you readers who want to send me matches let me know, and I will make arrangements.
Glad that I sparked an idea!
I just hope that I don't burn with envy in anticipation!
No more puns, I've already got two. One more and it will be strike three! Ok, that's it......
Duke: How unfair!! You get ahead and then call the game. I will be a good sport and let you win the heat. Happy Thanksgiving!
I'm no match for you!
Duke: I think its the other way around. You need to comment on Kevin's accomplishment of obtaining his wings.
Saw Casino Royale last night, good movie. Lots of action, didn't take a single nap
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