Nandinas Planted!
Yesterday we got the Nandinas planted that Pat had received for Christmas. It was none too soon either with the rain we are getting today with more in store for tomorrow. You may be able to tell from the pics above that we were able to dig the holes fairly easily, with the exception of the middle hole, which had a little bit of concrete that we had to remove. And you may be able to see that the water went in the holes fine, but the two holes on either side wouldn't let the water drain naturally. The water just stayed in the hole. So on one of them, we tried planting in the wet hole. On the other, we took a can and tried to remove most of the water before continuing. We used something called Osmacote (one tablespoon sprinkled in across the bottom) and then put in the plant with some topsoil. We will see how well we have done as time goes by.
Labels: Nandinas