Wii Fitness
Well, I have to say that I feel pretty good about myself today, seeing how I reduced my age by 33 years! According to today's fitness test, I am as fit as a 24 year-old! That is younger than my baby Ben! The skills involved were putting (from the green,) power bowling (which involves starting with 10 pins and working your way up to 91 pins in a single frame) and boxing. The boxing skill involves punching a bag until you knock it off its chains. The skill that I seem to have the most trouble with is baseball. The one where you try to hit the ball over the fence for a home run. (Although I did get 3 homers the other night.) As we can all see from the chart, I have been a bit up and down in my fitness. Now I need to concentrate on keeping fit, even when I'm tested in baseball.
Labels: Wii Sports
Congratulations! Now explain Wii to this old geezer.......
Oh, thanks for asking! I wouldn't have had a clue as of the first of December myself. Wii is the newest Nintendo game, but you don't sit on the couch or even in a chair and push buttons. You are up on your feet and swinging your arms in the fashion of whatever game you are playing. I happen to have Wii Sports which includes tennis, baseball, bowling, golf, and boxing. You don't run as you would playing a real game of tennis, but you're not flaked out like a potato either. In bowling you take steps as you would in that game; you just don't have the weight of the ball hanging on your arm. You use a controller, which about the shape of a remote control, just a bit rounded. For more info, check it out here: http://wii.nintendo.com/
And anytime you want to play, just drop on by; we would love to have you!
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