Wednesday, June 20, 2007

The Top 5 Questions

I made a couple of CDs from the Ravi Zacharias website here.
If you click on the radio section and then on the Let My People Think segment you can choose the mp3 for the Top 5 Questions which were asked and answered and then further questions were asked at the end, and then more answers were given by Ravi and Dr. William Craig. The top 5 questions presented at the University of Iowa (and this was several years ago,) were:
1. What is the meaning of life?

2. How can we know that the Christian God exists?

3. If God is all-powerful and all-loving and good, how can he allow suffering and evil?

4. How can we know that Christ was physically resurrected from the grave?

5. How can God be fair in not allowing believers of other religions to enter heaven?

Give an ear to these and you may find that you need to listen to them more than once. It is good to know that God doesn't expect us to check our minds at the door when we enter into church.



Blogger Dan Hawkins said...

I've always credited Ravi with teaching me to think critically. I first came across him in college, and until then I had not really thought systematically through my faith or anything else really. I'm glad he's got so much free stuff online....

6/21/2007 12:38 PM  
Blogger 007 said...

Free stuff for free does that sound?

6/21/2007 1:29 PM  

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