This shot (no pun intended) can be a little unsettling if you haven't seen this epi, and if you haven't, you should stop reading HERE. As we who have seen last week's epi know, this is not Sydney Bristow, but her nemisis Anna, who doubles as her doppleganger. She is not a clone, in that she wasn't created from Syd's DNA, but Anna was transformed, if you will, into an exact copy of Syd. But there is a lot of info that Anna was lacking, and Michael was able to tell that she was not Syd. Poor Anna, went to all that trouble and all for nothing. There is a lesson to be learned here: Don't try to become someone else; just be yourself. Don't forget Alias fans, if you are unable to watch, tape or TiVo the show each week, you can catch it at on streaming video.
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