Well, what do think of Syd as a blonde? That deep Southern accent she had there really got to me. Good to have Nadia alive and well, well at least for a spell. And I believe that it will take some weird sort of spell to undo what her daddy did in that last epi. What's up with the two Syds? Is that really Syd in that last shot? Be careful out there. You can never tell for sure. I was just thinking the other day about the different kinds of blogs that are out there. There are those who write about things they do, say like the people who fly helicopters. Then there are those who write about books they have read. And then there are those who write about the TV shows they watch, ie yours truly. Kinda reminds me of the saying there are three types of people out there: the ones who make things happen, the ones who watch things happen, and then the ones who wonder what happened!! I really am cutting back on my TV (and TiVo) watching this summer. Just a few more epis of Alias, and it will be all over.
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