Mount Vernon, again

Well now, back to Mount Vernon. Here we have a pic of the cook's area, and then a shot of the overseer's office. As we came out the back of the mansion, (no pics allowed inside) we saw these men working to restore the outside. They are plastering sand to the surface of the wood. (This is called faux.) And then you can see the lovely view looking from the rear of the mansion of the evergreen tree with the Potomac River in the background.
great shots of mt vernon, its sure got a beautiful backyard overlooking the river down there.
old George could afford a great river view. Did you walk down to the river landing? It is still a nautical custom for warships sailing up the Potomac to either dip their colors or fire a salute when passing Mt Vernon.
We did walk down to the pier. I have another post or two coming on Mt. Vernon. Sorry I haven't been fast enough for the public demand.
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