Billy Graham Statue

I must interrupt my posts of my trip to DC two weekends ago to tell about the last two nights at the Southern Baptist Convention Annual Meeting in Greensboro, NC that my wife and I were able to attend. Last night a statue of Billy Graham was unveiled, and it is entitled ROOM AT THE CROSS. I must say I was a little apprehensive at first, that is before it was unveiled. I thought there would those who would criticize the making of this work of art, saying that this is an idol, which if that were true, would be against the very first of the TEN COMMANDMENTS. I really don't think that there is anything to be concerned about, once you have observed it. First of all, Dr. Graham has said many times that we should not receive any glory, any praise for doing God's work. God alone is worthy to receive praise and honor and glory. Secondly just look at what is being portrayed: Rev. Graham is holding a Bible, the Word of God in his hand. He has both hands outstretched as he is preaching the Word, trying to reach everyone for the sake of the Gospel. On a stone at his feet are the words from John 3:16 "FOR GOD SO LOVED THE WORLD THAT HE GAVE HIS ONLY BEGOTTEN SON..." Behind him is the cross, the subject of every evangelistic message preached by Billy Graham. We are all thankful that he allowed himself to be used of God in such a magnificent way to reach so many for eternity. Below I have copied the text from the SBC website:
"Room at the cross"
By Jonathan Blair
“There’s Room at the Cross for you,” a sculpture of Billy Graham -- a stone at his feet displaying the words of John 3:16 -- was unveiled June 14 during the final session of the Southern Baptist Convention annual meeting in Greensboro, N.C. The sculpture was created by Terrell O’Brien -- a bi-vocational pastor whose church and studio are in Wyoming.
I will have to take time for another post to share more of what we were able to witness at these meetings.
halle joo joo!
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