Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Squirrel Foiled

I think we have finally come up with the solution for this one Super-Squirrel. So far, he has just grabbed hold of the bottom of the post; he must be thinking to himself, "Now what do I do?" Of course I thought we had the solution last time with two lengths of aluminum pipe. If this doesn't work, I will have to resort to squirrel hunting or convert it into a squirrel feeder. I am curious as to what the Duke thinks about this setup.



Blogger Oldparatrooper said...

I believe I was the one taking bets on the squirrel.

7/11/2007 8:29 PM  
Blogger John said...

I don't think you'll get anybody to bet against the squirrel; they're pretty resourceful. 007, if you really want a solution: http: //
It's not the same model we bought a long time ago, but similar

7/12/2007 6:47 AM  
Blogger 007 said...

I apologize sincerely and profusely old paratrooper! I have seen the error, and let it be known that you WERE the one betting on the squirrel. Now I am betting on my contraption, (and against the squirrel,) but thanks to the Duke for resource just in case.

7/12/2007 7:13 AM  

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