Ping Pong and Pool
I had the esteemed pleasure of playing Tony Snyder in ping pong and pool yesterday. This man has skills in table tennis. He uses a sandpaper paddle (same as I do) however, somehow he is able to use it much more effectively than I do. I did score in the double digits the first two games but I think I only reached 9 in the third game to 21. I might add that if we were playing the "skunk rules" he would have had me at 7-0. He either stepped up his game or I just fell apart. I thought it was interesting that I was able to his some shots off the side wall so that they land on his side of the net, but Tony mentioned that we weren't counting those shots as good. In any case I was happy to move on to the game of 8-ball, where I was able to achieve a small measure of success. I was able to pocket the 8-ball while he still had a couple balls on the table in the first game. The second was a bit closer, as he had the first shot at the eight with no other balls on the table. His best attempt was to rail it longways into the corner pocket. His miss set up an easy close corner shot which I was able to execute without any trouble. I might add that Tony was a perfect host and fixed me something to eat afterwards. He had no hard feelings toward me, but he did state that he wanted a rematch (in pool) after he has a chance to practice up a bit. I think I will concede ping pong to THE MAN. Anyone out there feel lucky?
Labels: Gentlemen's games