Plant Life

Have you noticed that these days how pictures are free? Whether you take them with your own digital camera, or if you get them off of someone's website, at least in most cases it really doesn't cost you anything. Sure it cost something to recharge your batteries, and for a while it takes up disk space on your camera or on your computer. But you can take pics, upload them wherever you want, show them to your friends and never have to print them (unless you want to.) I suppose I should have given credit of the site that allowed me to "borrow" that one with all the sunflowers. (I took the one with the monkey grass and its blossoms.) Just the other day, not too far from our house, I noticed what I thought was a fairly large garden of sunflowers. I thought that it would be a good idea to capture the beauty of those flowers with my Sony. But then I saw this shot with so many more flowers and I thought, "That is a prettier pic than I would have made myself. I will do a little "cut and paste" and everyone will appreciate its beauty so much more than the shot I could have made." So I suppose the monkey grass looks pretty sad next to the sunflowers. I probably should have made two separate posts from these pics. I will do better next time.
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