The Unit

Last night was a very intense fighting episode as well as a bit of family life brought into the picture as a woman's fiance was killed, and she wanted to keep the children from the grandparents who had not seen them in years although they lived only 20 minutes away. But I digress. There is this little trick the enemy used in battle to get the Unit to think their buddy was alive, although he was laying on the ground. They had tied a wire to his hand and evey now and then they would move his hand to make them come back for him. Of course the unit took care of the one sniper, although he used innocent hostages for shields as much as possible. After that, of course more enemy troops came in on several trucks, and well, you can probably figure out the rest. In the above pic Dennis Haysbert is shown playing the part of Jonas Blane. Again, I would recommend this show to anyone.
how did the president end up in a firefight?
If your asking about the 24 series, I quit watching before he died. I think it is more likely that you jest, and if that is so, my sincere apologies, for not recogizing that sooner. I told a friend at church that President Palmer died and came back to life as the team leader of the Unit.
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